You may wonder about the title of my blog. Let me explain. One day long ago when I was getting my son ready for his bath, he asked if I could "Make it warmer." I was surprised by this request as the water seemed plenty warm to me, if not hot. Immediately I received a treasured glimpse into the amazing mind of a child: what he really wanted was for the water to be cooled. After all, he explained in his kid-like way: warm is COOLER than hot. "Make it warmer." I thought that was brilliant. I still do.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where There's a Will...

My teen son desperately wanted to buy a new video game that was about to be released. I told him HE'D have to come up with the money. After a look of panic crossed his face: "I won't let a little thing like being broke stop me!" he smirked and raced upstairs. For a good hour 1/2 I heard him sorting, stacking and packing. When he came back down he had two large totes FILLED with books and music to sell at the discount shop. We went to the store and they offered him almost exactly what he needed for the game. He was so proud and so was I. He really scrambled to do that. Now if he'd only get that excited about emptying the dishwasher...:)

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